GreenForm is a software solution which eliminates paper in any customer enrolment process of an individual. GreenForm is a product which reduces the amount of paper a business generates, it also eliminates the need to store certain documents in costly offsite storage facilities. It eliminates the generation of paper files, creating an electronic record. It can be tailored to your business requirements and when used in conjunction with GreenBox individual’s identities can be verified.

Capture device integration – the Greenform web application can capture content from several external and internal devices
Cloud – Greenform’s cloud deployment is a multi-tenant application that can be white labelled and hosted in Microsoft Azure or the customer’s preferred on-premise or cloud provider
ID Verification – the system verifies your RSA ID Number and automatically populates the form
Form – a digital form is a computer version of a paper form. Besides eliminating the cost of printing, storing, and distributing pre-printing forms, digital forms can be filled out faster as they can automatically format, calculate, look up, and validate information for the user
Data output – completed forms and transaction are stored in the Greenform datastore or customer’s data store in a variety of formats included PDF, Tiff, png, Jpeg, html, csv, etc. interactive dashboard included
One Time Pin (OTP) - an OTP authentication enables Greenform to accurately record and prove that an individual was present at the time of completing a transaction
Store and forward technology – Greenform allows you to work offline and synchronize the transaction later
GreenForm is a software solution that allows you to eliminate paper in the office by creating digital forms and automatically importing information to them. This means you can reduce stationary costs and use of costly storage facilities, as well as your carbon footprint. Efficiency within your organisation can be massively improved, thanks to GreenForm’s ability to automatically import information into multiple forms, which can be electronically shared with multiple employees.
GreenForm can be tailored exactly to your business, by creating custom forms that get you exactly the information you need, no more and no less. Use business rules to dictate which information is required, and what can be automatically imported. Use in conjunction with GreenBox, this software can capture the most advanced formed of data. ID photographs and digital signatures can be automatically embedded, and fingerprints can be captured for biometric identification, ensuring the security of your transactions and your customers’ information.
Enables paperless transactions
Verifies an individual’s identity
Small desktop footprint (160mm x 350mm)
Reduces stationary & printing costs
Electronic records available in real-time
Transaction time reduces dramatically
USB powered
Eliminates the management, transport and storage of paper files
No photocopying required
Replaces a paper file with a digital record
ECT, FICA, RICA, NCA, CPA compatible
GreenForm is a software solution which eliminates paper in any customer enrolment process of an individual.
Eliminates paper forms
Automatic data input into forms
Scans supporting documents (FICA/RICA)
Customer verification (ID/Biometric)
Fraud prevention
Biometric user control
Operates in conjunction with GreenBox
Captures digital signatures
Captures ID photograph
Output PDF file replaces paper file
Greenform is a product which enables paperless transactions, therefore reduce the amount of paper a business generates, it also eliminates the need to store certain documents in costly offsite storage facilities. It eliminates the generation of paper files by creating an electronic record. It can be tailored to your business requirements and when used in conjunction with GreenBox, individual’s identities can be verified. GreenForm monitors user logon by biometric fingerprint, creating an audit trail of user activity which reduces internal fraudulent transactions.
Greenform allows you to create a business rule defined form for each customer driven transaction. It verifies an individual’s identity number by interrogating either your own database, or an external commercially available database. GreenForm imports all relevant data on the individual according to your business rules for that specific transaction, and allows the user to update or expand the individual’s data for the specific transaction. Scans and attaches to the transaction supporting documents, as required by certain acts (FICA/RICA) as defined by your business rules for that transaction. Embeds an ID photograph of the customer, and their digital signature into the form and terms and conditions.
Greenform will submit a PDF file of the transaction to your EDMS and to the customer immediately after transaction is complete. This PDF is a closed file and cannot be altered. The data required by the business process can be exported to LOB system. Can also capture customer fingerprints for biometric verification, providing secure customer transaction in the future.
Financial services – the Greenform solution verifies customer enrolment and provides electronic forms capture that can be customised to suit the specific requirements of individual customers
Healthcare – provides a secure, speedy biometrically controlled patient enrolment process, patient verification and the elimination of duplication of chronic medication
Retail – Greenform ensures a speedy secure signup process and customer verification so eliminating fraud
Internal processes –streamlines HR business processes and provides a cost-effective solution to enrol employees biometrically, verifies their qualifications and existence, provides audit reports and eliminate ghost employees from the payroll
Logistics – eliminates inaccurate data entry from manual capture and gives real time updates regarding deliveries
Telecommunications – the Greenform solution offers a secure electronic SIM card enrolment process, customer verification, and the elimination of SIM card fraud
Education – Greenform electronically verifies the student identification number against the Home Affairs database and provides significant time-saving in the student enrolment process
Mining –provides a speedy biometrically controlled mine worker enrolment process, biometric mine worker verification, and the elimination of fraudulent pension claims
Security – The solution improves the overall efficiency of the customer on boarding process enabling paperless transactions
Please call us on 01785 785 650 for more information